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学习+ Lead Mark French shares some important foundational elements for the developmental needs of secondary age learners. These include reminding parents of the physical and developmental needs that their 7-12th grader has beyond the typical academic subject matters.




Many of the things your secondary student needs for virtual learning are the same as what they need for in-person school. 适当的营养, 适量的睡眠, 适当的体育活动, 组织技能, 舒适的环境, 时间管理.

在学生中学学习的早期阶段, an important life lesson being developed is the ability to organize oneself and manage time. 保持规律的睡眠, 营养, and exercise in a virtual instructional environment can be more challenging than attending school in person, 然而,这些基础知识的重要性同样至关重要. 在教学周期间, 和你的学生建立一个睡眠时间表, 餐, 教学和学习时间, 体力活动. A common routine with these key elements will help in preparing your student for the best mental state for learning. 另外, a formal agreed upon schedule will provide some framework for a specific demarcation of instructional time, 学习时间和个人时间, 哪个提供了清晰的期望.

Provide a variety of places or areas for instructional activities during the day. Realize that your secondary students are used to being active generally every 50 minutes for a least a five-minute break. Secondary students also have different instructional environments during a regular school day so having a similar feel for “different places” can break up the day into more manageable segments and help them not feel like they are stuck in one place for eight hours. This can be as simple as moving to a bean bag chair for one class or outside on the porch for another. If you have multiple students in your household you could rotate from one area to another. Empower your student to decide which environment is best for each instructional activity. Allowing your student to have a say in what makes them comfortable for their instructional time is important – secondary students need a voice and choice, and need to know they are being heard and have some perceived control over parts of their lives.

说到有发言权,中学生需要感受到被倾听. Having an adult to talk with about various concerns, personal or academic, is important. If your student does not have adults that they can discuss their concerns with available in their online instructional environment, then you need to make sure that you or another adult is available to fill that need and your student is aware of that availability.

所有的学生都需要安全感. Secondary students who understand basic life needs can have concerns over financial difficulties and general health and safety at home, 哪些因素会影响他们的学习能力. If these issues do exist at home then a thoughtful conversation with your student over these topics, 而不是让他们无意中听到家里的这些对话, 能从学生的角度帮助减轻不必要的担忧吗, freeing their mind to focus on their instructional activities without unnecessary distractions.

Ensuring secondary students are connected to their peers is important for social emotional development, and simply attending online classes many times becomes “school without any fun”. 社交时间和教学时间一样重要, so creating intentional time for social connections is relevant and should be planned into the instructional day. 同样的原则也适用于体育活动, 为体育活动腾出时间,即使是绕着街区散步. 如果你的学生愿意和你一起参加这个活动, it is also a great way to have a casual conversation on how their day is going and offer your help and support.

Change to instructional activities like the sudden shift to virtual instruction that everyone had to endure in the spring of 2020 is hard and requires hard work from the students as well as the teachers. 然而, it does get easier over time if everyone does their part to make a positive contribution to the process.

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